Metro Deeper on the Web

Now this is weird. The Metro is a small newspaper distributed for free on SEPTA buses and trains and at a few other points around the city. It mostly runs bite-sized versions of wire service articles with some original commentaries/features. But they have a blog set up at Fight for Room 215 covering the Philadelphia mayoral election, and wouldn’t you know it, the blog featured on the spot reporting of all the challenges that were filed against various candidates trying to knock them off the ballot. (Seriously, folks, if you’re not reading Young Philly Politics on this, you’re missing an entertaining story and a head-slapper of a political situation.) Now, I guess it doesn’t matter to Metro whether its deep reporting goes on the web or in print – they’re giving it away either way, right? But still, it baffles me sometimes.

(In fairness, the Inquirer has done similar live blogs of important political events, such as the recent speaker election in the state House. Man, local politics are entertaining around here . . .)