Hitting the Wall, Blogger-Style

I’ve been trying to do the daily blogging thing for a few reasons – I don’t want to let the site go fallow for a long period, and I have an annoying habit of letting one skip day turn into a lot of skipped days. And I like the mental exercise and routine. But tonight, I was sitting somewhat bleary-eyed at the PC, scanning through headlines and other blogs looking for something to write about. The heck of it is, it wasn’t pure writer’s block. There are a bunch of things I have in mind to write. I just don’t feel I have the energy to put them into words properly, so all these great posts in my head fizzle when I start trying to put them down. I’m still trying to shake off the last of the cold and the odd sleep situations the cold helped to create, which I think explains why I’m not as sharp as I’d like to be. But it’s kind of funny to be saying that I’m physically not in shape to do my best writing right now. Usually, writing is seen as a mental activity, not something that gives the body any use – definitely on the cerebral side of the brain vs. brawn divide. But if you take seriously the idea that our brains are a part of our body, and thinking is an activity of the body just like anything else, well, then, all of a sudden that divide starts to fade away.

Maybe I should carbo load before my next posting run.