Breaking Blog Silence Again

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been getting myself settled into a new semester, teaching at two local colleges. I’m almost stunned at how much more I’m enjoying teaching now that the whole dissertation/grad school thing isn’t hanging over my head.

Over at theLogBook, Earl has finished overhauling the episode guides and putting them into a WordPress-based format that adds some new navigation and search options. I think the new look is pretty sweet, and it does reinforce how much easier it is to add content when you don’t have to code it. (I’m coding the very minimal syllabus pages for my courses, so that XHTML manual I bought isn’t going entirely to waste . . .)

The R.E.M. geek in me has been having some fun this week. The band was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame this past weekend, and Bill Berry participated in the festivities. If you go to, you can seee YouTube video of the performances at the induction. A little lower on the page there’s a clip from a tribute concert a few days before, where the band showed up to play a couple of songs. I think I prefer the performance at the 40 Watt Club. I think the sound mix wasn’t quite right on the V broadcast of the induction. Plus, there’s something about the shots of middle aged folks at their banquet tables trying to dance to Begin the Begin that kinda reinforces the whole best-days-are-behind-them vibe that’s surrounded the band for a few years now. Like I mentioned to my classes the other day, you know you’re getting old when your favorite band has released more best-of compilations than new material over the last four years. The band, minus Bill, says they’re going back into the studio soon to make their next album. From a selfish standpoint, I hope they kick the energy level up a notch. But if they’re still doing stuff they like, more power to them.

Pattie and I just watched the first episode of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Sorkin got the band back together, all right. Thank goodness for DVD and DVR, because the television season looks like an embarrasment of riches.

More on democracy later this week. Promise. 🙂