Off the Board

I will be in a new classroom this year – same school, same classes to teach, but I’m moving three floors down. I saw the new room for the first time today. I don’t have a desk (yet). I’m actually wondering if I can make that a feature. Looking at my desk right now, I don’t always make the best use of that space. So maybe not having it would force me to change some habits.

I also have very little usable chalkboard space. I do have a smartboard that I’ll spend some time getting to know. I’m trying to think about how that could make for a different kind of classroom dynamic. I might use a lot of giant post it sheets to be able to show charts or make illustrations on the fly.

I will be looking forward to breathing much less chalk dust.

It also looks like there’s a textbook shortage at the moment. Trying to think of how I can use that as an opportunity. Maybe combined with the smart board, I can make more use of current events, news videos, and so on.

It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure. I’m counting on this year being a shakeup year. Looks like the environment is providing me with the opportunity.


  1. Ping from Jenny:

    This is such a positive response to unexpected circumstances. I got rid of my teacher desk for the first time this year (my 15th year of teaching) and I am nervous but excited. My desk was a gathering space for junk. Of course, now I’ll have to be more organized and that’s a challenge for me.

    Good luck with the big changes this year.

  2. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    Thanks. I’ve scheduled a panicked freak-out for the third week of September, so I’m trying to stay cool until then. 🙂 My biggest issue, whether I have a desk or not, is the accumulation of stuff. My paperwork flow has not been one of my strengths.