Tales from the Thirties

I went to an activity day at Alex’s preschool on Wednesday and brought my camera to take some pictures of her with her classmates. The four and five year olds would come up to me and ask me to take their pictures – and then they would reach out to turn the camera around and ask “Can I see the picture?” When I tried to explain that I needed to get the film developed, they just looked at me like I was speaking gibberish. (On the other hand, I got a huge hug and a ‘Daddy! Daddy! I’m so glad you’re here!’ so, y’know, that day rocked.)

When Earl and I started sending electronic correspondence to one another, we would talk about Star Trek or whatever creative writing projects we were working on. Now we discuss our lawn mowers.

Yep. I’m gettin’ old. Now you kids get off my lawn.