Oh Yeah, I’m Screwed

So yesterday Pattie sends me a story that suggests that our teachers were on to something when they told us to go with our first instinct: Quick Decisions Might Be the Best.

Then today, I read that a scientist conducting a five-year study on procrastination released the report five years past his deadline to tell us that Procrastination Is Getting Worse.

So my habit for mulling things over to the nth degree means that not only am I taking longer to do things, I’m probably getting them wrong while I’m at it. Great.

I really developed some lousy habits as a writer when I was in high school and college, and I’m really paying for them now. I should get around to breaking them some day.

On the other hand, some experimenting in my kitchen has helped me realize that a little bit of the heavy cream we have left over from baking makes Alton Brown’s cocoa recipe even better. So the week’s not a total write-off.