Back on the Bicycle

If anyone’s still reading this blog, it’s obvious I fell off the face of the Net for a while there. I started living the life of a part-time college instructor, teaching courses at two area universities. It was overall a good experience, and confirmed for me that overall, I really do like the whole teaching thing. I’m just hoping for a more stable professional situation in which to do it. 🙂 Partially to that end, I’m going back to school myself this semester – I’ll start working on getting my certification to teach at the high school level. This will either drive me crazy or allow me to fill some holes in my background. We shall see.

I’m also trying to get back on the blogging bike as well. I’m hoping that the new Congress will provide some opportunitiesd to talk about actual good policy proposals. We shall see. And in Pennsylvania, the state House is providing all kinds of entertainment that has me once again wondering if maybe we should give the whole proportional representation thing a try.