That’s a Lotta Plot

WARNING – spoilers in the comments!

Saw Spider-Man 3 today. Overall, I liked it. I’m writing the review for the LogBook now. The plot summary for my Spider-Man 2 review was about 275 words long. This time around, it clocks in at 975.

Not that I’m necessarily agreeing with those that think the film was a bit on the overstuffed side. Nosir.

Update: Here’s the LogBook review. This movie is really bringing out the geek in me in that I could spend a lot of time dissecting it, but the one thing I keep coming back to in my head is that I think that this movie did such a bad job showing the Peter/MJ relationship that it calls my attention to the weaknesses of the first two movies in that regard. Very weird.


  1. Ping from rjmason:

    I see from your review that they kill off Venom in the movie. I was always annoyed at the way the Batman movies would bring in one, two, or three villains and then kill them all off in each movie, since it (a) destroyed the sense of long-running adversarial relationships; (b) glorified revenge killing and deprived the hero of the opportunity to take a moral position and bring the villain in alive; (c) always required some contrived “accidental” death to befall the villain, so that the hero might not be guilty of outright murder.

    I haven’t even seen Spider-Man 2 yet though. They should probably take away my geek credentials.

  2. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    Take your time with Spidey 3, but go see Spidey 2.

    I will say that your concerns (b) and (c) are not present in either 2 or 3. And it’s always possible that someone could address (a) by bringing someone back with a “You only thought I was dead!” reveal, which would be in keeping with the source material after all. I just think that with Spidey 3 in particular, the way the movie plays out, Venom doesn’t appear until about the last half hour. He’s practically begging for more screen time, and Raimi could have set it up so easily. For a split second I thought that was what they were doing, and then they pulled the rug out. Very annoying.