No Newsprint Withdrawal Here

Fading to Black is a blog that covers the ongoing decline of the newspaper industry in North America and the possible consequences of that decline for journalism. It’s an interesting read, and has the added benefit for me of being a window into how Canada is dealing with these issues. The blog highlighted my earlier post about ending my subscription to the Inquirer. I appreciate the link, and as I set out to return the favor, it occurs to me that I really do not miss the paper. I do check out almost every day – that’s how I spotted the article about brain scans I highlighted yesterday – but I don’t find myself spending much time there, and I certainly haven’t seen an avalanche of solid news stories that would make me want to pick the paper up again. Indeed, it seems a big focus for the Inquirer has been getting more commentators for its Sunday section, and like I said before, that’s exactly the wrong direction to go in if you want to get me to pony up again.