Best Anchor in the Woooorld

Wow, this is neat news. Keith Olbermann has not only re-upped to keep doing his Countdown show at MSNBC, he’s going to be contributing essays to the NBC Nightly News and doing two prime time NBC specials a year.

I wonder if those essays for the network news will be along the lines of his Special Comments. I have to admit to a slight fear that the whole Special Comment thing has been watered down now that people are expecting it. This could very well be a silly concern on my part. But once they become something that you’re promoting for the next night’s show, there’s a certain sense of spontaneity that’s lost. Then again, Olbermann’s always said it takes him a while to get the words just right on those commentaries, and I gotta respect anyone who’s as passionate about words as he is.

The other thing that comes to my mind is that if this means we can look forward to more Chris Matthews/Olbermann tag teams on election coverage, I think someone’s head is going to a splode.