Excellence Defined

Went to visit some college friends today, who are terrific people that have a daughter right around Alex’s age with whom she gets along with famously. On top of all this, when they moved down to the Philly area they bought an HDTV. So we had that on showing various sporting events in the background while we swapped stories and kept the kids from taking over the world. Or so we like to tell ourselves, anyway. Thanks to HDTV, we were able to tell that Tiger Woods was very, very warm when he won the PGA Championship today. I think I’ve mentioned before that I only turn on golf when Tiger’s about to win a major. There’s just something about someone at the top of his game doing things that no one else can really do that I like to see.

It also occurred to me today that when/if we ever get an HDTV, the important thing might be asking the store what a standard broadcast looks like on the HDTV. ‘Cause the imperfections of a standard broadcast can become even more noticeable, which is kind of a bummer. But ah well.