KNEEL Before Your CD Player

OK, here’s one of those stories that you just knew Dave and I couldn’t let pass by.

A Chicago producer who made a fortune selling CD compilations from radio’s Golden Age has decided to take on the highest of high profile subjects for his next collection: The Bible.

As reported in London’s Guardian a few days ago, the planned set will devote 70 discs to the Old testament and 20 to the New. Production began in July and already features some casting decisions that are…shall we say, creative?

Case in point, the role of God. Look up at the headline again and it’ll come to you. Yup, it’s Terence Stamp. Cross General Zod with Jor-El and evidently you get God. And I ask you, who can argue with that?

The one-hundred-plus member cast also includes Luke Perry as Judas, Marisa Tomei as Mary Magdalene, and Michael York as the narrator.

Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ is a co-producer on this project, titled the Word of Promise. Caviezel is also reprising his role as Jesus. Apparently when the role is that big, fears of typecasting become irrelevant.

Word is that creator (small c) and producer Carl Amari still hasn’t found his Satan but more than one person involved in the project has cast their vote for Simon Cowell.

Also no word as to whether the audio epic will be available on iTunes.